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This is NIRO pro, an interactive robot, a seamlessly integration of complex hardware and software, and with a Minimalism appearance. The combination of computer vision, hearing, and Natural Language Processing technologies gives NIRO PRO abilities to see and listen like a human.

The Natural Motion Engine helps NIRO PRO to make movements and  express emotions like human. From the rigid motion with jitters, to natural movement adapted to environment, scene and users' moods,  robotic expression has been promoted to an unprecedented level.

When we “see” out of the box, the traditional screen, we will find more possibilities. The combination of NIRO PRO's built-in micro laser projector and Voice interaction system produces a magical chemical reaction, which presents an interactive experience that is more real, immersive and fun. You can ask him to do anything with you.   For example, “ play a game with me” “open the drawing board” “I want to play the piano”

We created the unique NIRO PRO, and we have opened a multi-modal interaction software and hardware platform to explore the wellbeing future of human and robots.

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